Which translations will we be talking about in this article?
- Translations of the Questionnaires and of all the related texts, from the Invitation E-mail to fill them in, to the e-mail containing the discount voucher, just to mention a few examples
- Translation of the site survey, if you activated it
- Translations of the information and promotional portal of Qualitando HotSpot and/or of the questionnaire to profile customers when they access the Wi-Fi network
Why should you care and take care about?
Offering to your customers the contents in their own language significantly increases the possibility that they will perform the actions that you are suggesting them to do. Such as: filling in your site survey, reading your promotions about the Hotspot information portal. If you were considering to get away by just providing the translation in English, the data is clear about this: those of our clients who have translated questionnaires into four major languages of their customers, get on average 40% more interactions than those who just provided only the English translation.
Have we convinced you? We hope so.
When you create a questionnaire – whether it is a post experience, first impression, site survey or a customer profiling – the questionnaire itself and all its related texts have already been professionally translated in English, except for your own amendments in the sections “Configure” and under the section “Sections and Queries" or under the section "Texts". And, if you make use of our HotSpot, also all info previously loaded in the section “Promote and Inform" – about the HotSpot portal and all related texts on the procedure for customers to login in the Wi-Fi network – is already translated into English.
But, we have seen that:
A) just using the English version might not be enough. Let’s see, therefore, how to set the translations in other languages
B) you need to learn how to update the translations, even in English, in case you should make any changes to the original versions that we provided you with
- Home Q-Box
- In the menu on top, click on ‘Questionnaires’ if you want to work on the translations of a questionnaire. Click on ‘Hotspot’ if you want to work on the translations of the Hotspot information Portal, and, on ‘Marketing’ if you want to work on those about a site survey.
- Click on the Questionnaire name or on the section “HotSpot” – depending on whether you need to work on the translations of a questionnaire, or on the texts of the HotSpot information portal.
Path to follow to get to the section Questionnaire ‘Translations’:
Path to follow to get to the section ‘Translations’ of the HotSpot information Portal:
As you can see, the English translation is already available, professionally translated by native speakers. It is clearly evident by the translation mode reported as “MAN” (manual) in the central column.
You can now add more new translations using the box “Translate into another language” and opening “Select language” in the drop-down-menu:
By doing this you will create several automatic translations, one for each language you select.
Click on the label of the language you want to work on, ‘Spanish’, for example. You will find:
- Column on the left (blue arrow): Italian texts
- Central column, “Mode” (red arrow): “Auto” indicates that the text has been automatically translated. It will turn into “Man” (manual) if, and when you modify the automatic translation
- Column on the right (orange arrow): the text produced by the automatic translation
- Last column on the right “Modify“ (purple arrow)
- Click on “Modify” to modify the automatic translation in case you consider it needed.
- Click on the central button “Mode” until the green label “Auto” will turn into “Man”
- Make the appropriate chances in the translation box (with the orange arrow)
- Finish by clicking on “Save” in the last column on the right (with the purple arrow)
Repeat these steps for each language and for each box of which you would like to modify any automatic translations and you’ve finished working on it/them.
Whenever you need to make any chances to the basic/original texts, whether they are part of a questionnaire, a site survey, or the HotSpot information portal, you need to remember to check the related translations in the other languages.
Go to "Translations" and click on "Update Automatic Translations" (button circled in green)
Click on the blue label of each language (blue box, as in image above) and verify, point to point, paying particular attention to:
- New translated boxes in "Auto" mode. This will happen if you have added new questions/entries/sentences. These boxes need to be checked and in case modified according to the instructions as in the previous chapter of this section (those in the image below with a light green background)
- Previously translated fields/areas on “Man” (manual) mode, which original/basic texts have been modified (they will appear highlighted in yellow, as in the below image). You will need to check that the changes made on the basic texts on the left column, do correspond to the manual translation originally set, before the changes made to the basic texts. You already know how to make the appropriate changes: click on “modify”, make the changes, click on “Save”.
Please NOTE: once you have done the final check, and in ‘Translations Management’ you will see Status Ok (circled in green, in the image below), then you will be sure to have correctly performed all the needed operations for updating and modifying the translations. Well done, Bravo!