
To avail of effective questionnaires you need to follow some rules. Here are the most important ones:

1) Do not overdo with the number of questions: even though we feel tempted to want to ask everything of our customer, we have to keep in mind that by filling in the questionnaire the customer is doing us a favour. That is why it is important not to abuse their availability by entering too many questions: the greater the number of questions, the less likely the customer will complete the Questionnaire. At Qualitando We recommend to include between 10 and 20 questions.

2) Do not remove, or edit the “Tips, comments, alerts” section: some of Qualitando automatisms are based on this section and editing it could cause problems to other features. For example, the ability to automatically post your customers' positive comments to your site requires the question "Do you want to return your thanks / congratulations to the direction?". If you really do not like it and want to edit or delete it, ask your business advisor or – even better – follow a Qualitando Business Webinar


Modifying a Questionnaire on Qualitando is very simple: following is a guide of the features which allow you to customize a Questionnaire according to your needs. Keep in mind that, when creating a new Questionnaire, you will be asked what it does refer to (hotel, restaurant, SPA,…) so that you will be offered an appropriate Questionnaire for that specific kind of business, and that you can modify as you like.


The Questions

Modifying a question

To modify a question, click directly on the question itself:

The window for customization includes:
- The Question: the text of the question

- Note: if you wish to help the Customer to understand the question better, the help text should be entered right under the question, so that it can be easily seen.
- Question Type: drop-down list where you can select which type of question you are asking. It could be, for example, the selection between several options (Select), a Yes or No answer, a rating request…

- Other options: depending on the selected “Question Type” there will be other contextual options.

For the types of questions and related options, please refer to the dedicated section at the bottom of this page.

Moving a question

To move a question up or down simply click on the arrows on the right of the question itself.

Creating a new question

To create a new question click on the “add new question” button, on the right of the section’s name/title.

The question will be created at the bottom of the section, and can then be moved as preferred, as shown above.

Creating a ‘Network' of questions

By Network of questions we mean a relationship within questions, ie. we could decide whether one or more questions can be shown only if the answer to a previous question was positive. In such way we can ask the Customers if they have any suggestions, showing the suggestions field only if their reply was “Yes”.

Let's give an example: we want to create the questions "How many times did you eat at the restaurant?" and, "How would you rate the menu?", that will be shown to the customers only if their answer is "Yes" to the question "Have you ever had a meal at the restaurant?".

STEP 1: Create the three questions. The first question will be “Have you ever had a meal at the restaurant?” which involves a type of reply such as “Yes/No”, while the other two questions “How many times did you have a meal in the restaurant?” and “How would you rate the menu?” will require the request of a number (or the selection within a list, depending on what we would prefer) and a rating.

STEP 2: Link the first question to the following two. Once the three questions have been created, the first (that required a Yes/No reply) will need to be modified, showing which other questions it needs to be linked to in case the customer answered “Yes”.

As you can see, by clicking on “When (the answer) is YES see the follow questions” the questions in the section following the question that you are editing are automatically suggested. By simply clicking on questions that we want to find out, we will have created our Network! 


Modifying a section

By simply clicking on the section name you can modify the section:

Within the settings you find:

Section Name, Description, and the Checkbox that allows you to choose whether the new section will be in a new page of the Questionnaire or below the previous section of the Questionnaire.

Moving a section

To move a section to the top or below simply use the arrows on the right of the question.

Creating a section

To create a new section below already created questions the button “add new section” will create a section at the end of the Questionnaire (that can be then moved as show above).

Types of questions

Each added question will have its own typology that will influence the configuration parameters of the question, and, what type of answers the Customer can enter.

Here is a list of the types of questions which you can choose from:

  • Rating: allows to rate according to a specific standard (ie. by choosing one of the five smileys, or numbers within 1 to 5, or a percentage)
  • Yes/No: it just involves a Yes/No, positive or negative answer (useful to create connected Framework which lead to other questions just when the Customer’s reply is “Yes”)
  • Text: allows to enter a written reply. It is possible to add a small or a large text area, and enter what kind of text can be inserted (be it an email, or a positive comment…)
  • Select: allows to choose one only entry among those you have set
  • MultiChoice: allows to choose one or more options of those you have set
  • Date: allows to enter a date. You can specify whether the date will be generic or referred to the period of stay (and will be used for the statistics)
  • Number: allows to enter a number
  • CheckBox: this is a box that can be selected, useful for requesting privacy consent.

Editing Questionnaire texts

You are still in your questionnaire, menu on the left, section "Configure", subsection "Texts". From top to bottom, in order, you have all texts that are offered to the customer:

1) The text circled in black is the e-mail text which the customer receives, and through which they are invited to fill the questionnaire in. You can customize the text, but, keep in mind that you must not delete any Html codes (within braces) as they are necessary to customize the contents in that field, according to the information that we receive from your management system (if you have an active interface), from your manual upload of data, or from the info that you input in the Home Q-Box, ‘Settings’ section.

2) The texts within the red circle are the introduction to the sections and questions of the questionnaire (the cover or introductory text), and the texts of the web pages on which - after having filled the questionnaire in - the compilers might get to, depending on the different, already configured scenarios which you can check, and, if necessary, edit in the “Scenarios” subsection on your left. Among them:

  • Review request page. By clicking on it you will see the texts which, after having filled the questionnaire in, the customer is suggested to go on by leaving a review.

  • Thank You page. By clicking on it you see the greetings texts proposed to a compiler of a negative questionnaire

  • Social networks page. The page through which the customer - normally satisfied, but not enthusiastic - is suggested to become fan or follower of your social page.

Keep in mind that all codes within braces allow the customer to visualize the buttons in the web version. Therefore, please do pay attention to NOT delete any of them.

3) The texts circled in green are the ones sent after the questionnaire has been filled in by the customer. In particular:

  • Email to send the incentive. By clicking on it you will be able to check and edit the mail text with the details of the special voucher / discount promised when inviting the customer to fill the questionnaire in. Make sure that the text is clear and be sure to check that the contact details that the customer will use to redeem the voucher/discount are properly included. Keep in mind that this text will be clickable and editable, only if before, under "Basic Settings" in the menu on your left, you will have enabled the Incentive to compilation

  • Email for Complaint Handling. By clicking on it you will be able to verify and edit the email text that is sent automatically, following the result of a negative compilation. It is delivered 40 minutes after the Questionnaire has been filled in, so that the recipient does not perceive it as an automatic text. You can enable or disable the automatic sending of this mail from the "Scenarios" section in the menu on your left

  • Reminder for a review e-mail. This text would automatically be sent to the satisfied customers who, after completing the questionnaire, did not click any button to leave a review. Through this text you will remind them to do so. You can enable or disable this automation from the "Scenarios" section.

Editing Questionnaire Scenarios

The scenarios define the customer satisfaction thresholds for which a certain web page - rather than another - is presented at the end of the questionnaire's compilation. The scenarios set as default are: Positive scenario in case of equal or > 80% satisfaction; Negative scenario in case of satisfaction equal to or <60%, intermediate scenario 61% to 79%. You can view and edit scenarios by using the "Configure" section, under "Scenarios" in the menu on your left. As you can see, for each scenario you can choose from different web pages / actions to be proposed to the compiler (see drop down).

Last recommendation: If you would like to receive excellent reviews on portals (CHE PORTALI) through Qualitando, do not be tempted to lower or exceed the positive scenario threshold. We've seen that submitting a review request page to customers who are 80% or 80% satisfied is a choice bringing 4 to 5 bubbles reviews on TripAdvisor, and 4 to 5 star on Google, and 5 to 6 on Holiday Check.

Good luck!

P.S. for any changes you made to the texts, questions or sections, do not forget to also go back to the Translations section to edit them accordingly. If you wish to know more about it, please, consult the manual The translations at Qualitando